Did you know Earth Day began on April 22, 1970? The website Earth Day Network says “The idea for a national day to focus on the environment came to Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Inspired by the student anti-war movement, he realized that if he could infuse that energy with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution, it would force environmental protection onto the national political agenda.” And it did. Earth Day is now celebrated all over the world and brings us together (at least for a day) across cultures, religions, and country boundaries.
Take a peek a few offerings that are made with organic cotton and recycled polyester. Keep scrolling for some ideas how you can make Earth Day an all month event while promoting your brand and giving a shout out to Mother Earth at the same time.

For those of you using organic/natural products in your business you got it easy!
- Landscapers using non-toxic lawn chemicals.
- Food Trucks using all organic ingredients.
- Cleaning Services using non-toxic cleaning supplies in the home or office.
Throw an Earth Day message and your logo on your item of choice and your job is done .
For those of you in businesses that don’t directly promote an earth friendly product, don’t despair. You may just have to think outside the box a bit harder. Here are three ideas to get you started.
For the month of April set up a can recycling spot and have all the employees get involved in the recycling project. At the end of a time period you set up take the cans to be redeemed and use the money for a pizza party to celebrate Earth Day. Then keep the good recycling habit going!
Do you work in a corporate office where there is that one department that uses way more paper than needed? Set up a friendly competition among all departments with recycling bins for paper that would normally be thrown away/shredded when not needed. At the end of the competition weigh the paper and whoever has the least to recycle wins. May some nice sweatshirts or tee’s with the company logo for the winning team. The loosing departments….. shredding duty. Or throw a shredding party for the whole office with snacks and drinks. Just make sure to recycle all that paper.
If you work in a business park get the whole business community involved. Set up a donation day where used clothing, toys, and small household goods are brought to a spot within the business park. Have a park wide picnic and celebrate Earth Day. The donations can be picked up by the charity of your choice at the end of the event. All of the donated goods stay out of the landfill and you have just made some great new friends within your business community.
For clothing ideas for your Earth Day Events or to make a donation check out Earth Day Network.
Posted by Leann 4.3.17