Mixing Typography

Picking out the right font for your embroidery or screen printing work is actually a lot harder then you think. Because typography can convey a lot about your brand, you need to make sure it is evoking the right feel or emotion. Pretty esoteric huh?

This chart by DesignMantic is a great resource for taking that “OMG there are too many fonts to choose from” feeling away and making the choice simpler.

DesignMantic.com Font Commandments


Monograms with a Twist

We do a lot of monogramming.  We have three basic styles and it  is a great way to personalize gifts for all kinds of events and milestones.

But what if you take it up a notch and your monogram became your brand? By playing around with font types and sizes you can create a unique monogram and use it in just the same way you would any logo. It is especially great idea if you are self employed and use your name or initials as your business name.

Here are some examples I found on  Ultralinx.com and pulled the ones that caught my eye. Do make sure to check out their website for the other images which are just as inspiring.

Monogram 4 Monogram 3 monogram 1 monogram 2 Monogram 5

You’ll never look at your monogram the same.


Letterman Jackets for Sale


Mitzi and Eleanor have been pretty cozy during this nasty winter in their Letterman Jackets. But even they are sick of the weather and want to change things up. Mainly to start wearing lightweight things again.

Their wish is our command. In order to make room for spring items we are offering these NEW jackets at a price of $100.00 each (Retail price can be $160 and up.) There are five jackets available. One in each size of 2XL, XL, M, S, and XS. If you would like all five the price drops to $80.00 each.

If you are local drop by the shop and check them out. If you would like us to ship them we can do that via UPS. (You will pick up the shipping charges.)

Please feel free to share this link if you know someone who may be interested.

And as always any questions please click the RED contact us button on the right of your screen.



Website Updates

All of this snow has to be good for something. For me it has allowed me some time to start some much needed updates to the website.

First you may have noticed a new layout and an addition of our promotional logo The Next Event. Remember we do more than just embroidery and screen printing. If you can put your name on it we can most likely get it for you.


Second we have added a new tab called E-Catalogs. These are digital catalogs  geared for more specific needs and enables you to focus in on what you are looking for. They also are available in print so stop by the shop if you want to grab a copy.


Third we have added another tab called Design Your Own Logo. This new tab will take you to a design website with hundreds of clip art options and ideas. A perfect choice when you have a limited design budget or are in need of a design turned around quickly. It is also just a great resource to let your creativity flow.

webpage2We will be continuing to add more resources to the website to make it easier to navigate and to help you quickly find what you are looking for.

If you have suggestions on improvements feel free to use the RED Contact Us button on the right side of the web page and leave us a message.


Show off your doodling

When I was in second grade I drew on my white Keds. My parents were none too happy about it. I don’t remember the punishment but I know I never drew on my sneakers again. But I remember vividly sitting on the floor of my bedroom with my blue ball point pen making random lines and swirls in the rubber and loving how the ink felt as I wrote my name on the toes of the shoes. At least I didn’t mark them right and left… I did that later to my poor sister.


This  photo from Highsnobiety brought back the memory of how much fun doodling is. And while I no longer doodle on my sneakers it’s nice to know that now it could be considered high art.

Have some great doodling you would like to immortalize? We can’t print on sneakers but we can transfer your art to tee’s, sweatshirts, towels, and bags. Got some ideas? Let us know….and we won’t tell Mom what you are up to.


9 Days until…….. V DAY!

You have nine days until Valentines day. But no need to panic. Look around you for inspiration to make this year different and special.

I found this post on our Blog Lovin feed from enJOY it. Click on the photo to go the original article.


I of course translated it into a few quick tee shirt ideas.

Heart Tees

Our model Mitzi in red is wearing a Hanes v-neck with a heart I grabbed from free clip art. Eleanor is wearing a a crew neck Gildan tee with a design I made up in Corel Draw. (Yes those hearts are orange…think out side the box…hearts come in all colors!)

Quick, simple, and a gift that keeps on giving. Remember it doesn’t have to be over the top to make a lasting and loving impression. Or it can be a great addition to an over the top gift if you are so inclined.

Look around, get inspried, and Happy Valentine’s Day!

PS: Words on a tee make and easy and quick gift. I had several picked out to do for this post but…I ran out of time…After all customers work comes first!


Happy Groundhog Day

So another snow/sleet event here in New England. I am sure this storm has a name but I have no clue what it is. And it doesn’t really matter because according to the groundhog we have another six weeks of winter anyway. Kind of bumming….

This post from Bored Panda made me laugh however and I hope you find a favorite to brighten this snowy day.

Stay warm and enjoy the six weeks.



Team 365 2015

After 2 feet of snow we are thinking Spring and Spring Sports. Specifically how to make it easier on our customers to find everything for their  team without having to shop for items in 40 different catalogs. Color is their main concern because If they have to shop in 40 different catalogs, they tell us  the chances of color consistency becomes iffy. Enter Team 365!

Team 365 has made it easy to find all your teams gear in one easy spot.

They have teamed up with Champion, Alo Sports, Dyenomite, Headsweats, and Flexfit to insure you have color consistency for your team color across all aspects of  apparel right down to duffel  bags.
365 team_colors


An online catalog will be available shortly. But in the mean time as you begin your planning for the spring this TEAM 365 link will help you get started.