One of the great things about this business is getting to see all the great (and at times not so great) graphic designs that people are using to promote their business or event. The varitity of logos with their different sizes, shapes, and colors is what keeps interesting.
Because of the varitity however, pricing out those logos can get complicated. This is why when you give us a call or stop into the shop to inquire about pricing we always ask you to provide a sample of the logo.
The two main things that will determine the price of your logo will be the final out put size and the detail within the logo itself.
In other words, the larger the logo you need the more stitches are required which results in a higer price. The same holds true for the detail within the logo. In order to preserve the detail more thread might needed to provide the right “fill” to give the design the correct look resulting in a higher stitch count.
Here are two examples to help make things a bit clearer.

The curl27 Fitness logo on the left is a medium size logo but with a low thread count because of its simple design.
The Humphrey’s logo on the right although smaller is a more complicated logo because of the detail in the fill and the fact that it has 4 different colors within that logo.
Both are great logos but pricing will vary between the two based on those factors.
Remeber the more information you can provide us about the applications and design of the logo the better we will be able to quote you a price for your job.