The January Freeze

It was 2 degrees when I left the house this morning. Here at work it is a balmy 6 degrees.

I thought pictures of cozy warm coats would be just the thing. These are from the NorthEnd line and are just making their way into the 2015 lineup.

I own the North End Sport Blue Ladies’ Avant Tech Mélange Insulated Jacket with Heat Reflect Technology Item 78698 and LOVE it. It looks like a shiny space creatures skin on the inside but that is the heat reflect technology that makes it warm.

We are updating styles and links on our website right now so you can’t click on the pictures to go to product information quite yet. This will be up and running within the next day or two.

Update: Click NORTHEND to see the full product line including the above items.

But if you need more info shoot us an e-mail or use the red Contact Us button and we will get right back to you.

Stay Warm!


Happy Thanksgiving 2014


We will be closing today at 3:00 PM and getting ready for the big feast for tomorrow.

Once you are in your food coma and you find the need to aimless browse the internet here are a few inspirational ideas for the upcoming holiday gift giving season.

I need coffee

be fit


grumpy bear

Happy Thanksgiving and we will see you when the shop re-opens on Monday December 1st. December 1st? How did it get to be December already??????

All images are courtesy of Pinterest.


Veterans Day 2014


The ceremony honoring the Portsmouth, RI Vietnam Vets at the Portsmouth High School on Tuesday was beautiful. It was a  local event honoring local heroes  that had the whole community involved. We were so honored to be a part of it and help out in our own small way.

Enjoy the pictures and if you have any you would like to share please post them on our Facebook page. We would love to see them.

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Honoring our Vietnam Veterans

Vietnam hat front close

We are proud to be apart of the event honoring Vietnam Veterans on November 11th at the Portsmouth High School right here in town.

Here is an excerpt from the American Legion Post 18 press release:

“Veterans who served honorably between 1 July 1958 and 7 May 1975 – whether in-
country or not – will be recognized on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at Portsmouth High
School with a Proclamation, certificate, bracelet featuring the Vietnam ribbon colors
made by 4-H students and custom-designed ball cap made by National Embroidery of
Portsmouth. National Embroidery owner Dale Wood is a Vietnam veteran having served
in Danang and other in-country assignments. The ball cap features the Vietnam service
medal on the front and a yellow ribbon with “Welcome Home” on the back.”
Vietnam Vet hat front
Dale and family will be there at the ceremony and we hope you and your family can join in the honoring of these vets.
For more information about the event contact the American Legion Post 18.

To see some video of the hats in production check out our Facebook page.

A White Blazer and A Denim Shirt

While scrolling through my Instagram feed  I ran across this.

White Blazer

What a curious look…and yet kind of a brilliant idea. The blazer pulls everything together and adds polish to the outfit but the denim shirt says we are not taking this too seriously. (I think I have been reading too many fashion blogs…)

Would you try this look for your next event like a trade show or corporate retreat?

Photo courtesy of sofiacheriee via Insagram


Hashtags…love ’em or hate ’em they are a part of our culture now. So get on board with it and have fun creating your own. With a hashtag and cool font you can make your very own shirts for just about any event: Birthday, holiday, wedding, corporate retreat. Need some ideas?

Already way ahead of the game and have your own #hashtag shirts? Share them on our Facebook page. We would love to have a peek.

#teeshirts #goodtimes #havefunwithit

All photos are courtesy of Pinterest