We are proud to be apart of the event honoring Vietnam Veterans on November 11th at the Portsmouth High School right here in town.
Here is an excerpt from the American Legion Post 18 press release:
“Veterans who served honorably between 1 July 1958 and 7 May 1975 – whether in-
country or not – will be recognized on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at Portsmouth High
School with a Proclamation, certificate, bracelet featuring the Vietnam ribbon colors
made by 4-H students and custom-designed ball cap made by National Embroidery of
Portsmouth. National Embroidery owner Dale Wood is a Vietnam veteran having served
in Danang and other in-country assignments. The ball cap features the Vietnam service
medal on the front and a yellow ribbon with “Welcome Home” on the back.”
Dale and family will be there at the ceremony and we hope you and your family can join in the honoring of these vets.
To see some video of the hats in production check out our Facebook page.